22/01/2025 Real & Alternative Assets Hedge Fund Outlook H1 2025 Hedge funds will offer interesting opportunities in the first half of the year, providing appealing diversification benefits for global portfolios.
29/11/2024 Real & Alternative Assets Responsible investing in private equity This article explores how responsible investing (RI) is shaping private equity (PE) practices, emphasizing governance and the industry's role in addressing...
3/09/2024 ESG Thema ESG Thema #17 - Investing in gender equality: Momentum is gr... Discover more on gender diversity and how to take advantage of the growing momentum on gender-smart investing.
24/07/2024 Equity The Artificial Intelligence revolution: sector perspectives Explore how the AI revolution is transforming industries. Understand which sectors will thrive and gain a competitive edge by investing in AI technologies.
6/05/2024 Real & Alternative Assets Hedge Fund Outlook H2 2024 More fragmented economies and monetary policies would open more regional relative value opportunities that should support Hedge Funds.
22/01/2024 Economy & Markets China’s pivot: steering through turbulence to sustainability The shift toward a more sustainable growth model presents long-term opportunities in Chinese assets, but it also calls for increased selectivity in the...
20/02/2023 Geopolitics A year of war in Ukraine: accelerating the energy transition... The war in Ukraine has had a marked impact on the global economy, redrawing national and international priorities. Investors need agility to cope with...
13/01/2023 Portfolio Strategy What Artificial Intelligence reveals about share price react... What AI reveals about stock prices?- this piece outlines research by Amundi on the usefulness of using AI in stock analysis and valuation.
6/01/2023 Investment Insights ESG in motion: a dynamic forward-looking approach to detect ... ESG improvers investment approach - outlines the ESG improvers concept (main piece) and there is a three pager infographics piece
24/11/2021 Research Shifts & Narratives #12 - ESG is not a given, the battle for... ESG (environmental, social, and governance) investing has been making news headlines recently.
1/10/2021 Portfolio Strategy Shifts & Narratives #9 - Adapting equity portfolios to a re... The return of inflation is clearly one of the top themes of 2021 and the post-pandemic economic revival.
16/09/2021 Economy & Markets Shifts & Narratives #8 - Post-summer check-up on the regime ... Investors have enjoyed stellar performances over the last twelve months. A 60/40 traditional global equity/bond portfolio returned around 19% on a one-year...