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The turmoil of March may be behind us, but market signals are conflicted about what comes next. A disconnect has appeared as bond markets look to price in a recession in the US, whilst on the equity side earnings expectations still appear overly optimistic. Against this back-drop, investors are wise to keep plotting a cautious course.

Swaha Pattanaik caught up with Monica Defend, Head of Amundi Institute, after her return from the IMF Spring Meetings, to find out what the mood in Washington was like and how it compares to Amundi’s own views on the outlook for global economies over the coming months.

For more insights

Amundi Global Investment Views
Global Investment Views - May 2023


RC - Author - DEFEND Monica
Head of Amundi Investment Institute & Chief Strategist
RC - Swaha Pattanaik
Head of Publishing and Digital Strategy, Amundi Investment Institute