26/07/2024 Economy & Markets Macroeconomics, Geopolitics, and Strategy - July/August 2024 Detailed macroeconomic analysis of the evolution of the US, Chinese and Indian economies, with forecasts for interest rates, inflation and growth.
2/12/2022 Economy & Markets When fiscal policy puts the European institutions under pres... After several months of informal negotiations, the European Commission proposed on 9 November a reform of the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) to be debated....
21/11/2022 Economy & Markets UK Fiscal Budget: main political, social and market implicat... Understanding the latest UK budget and its main political, social and market implications
5/10/2022 Retirement Amundi Pension Funds Letter - Special Edition: UK LDI Crisis Given the yield increases at the announcement of the UK accommodative mini-budget a week ago, pension schemes suffered a massive liquidity crisis related...
28/09/2022 Fixed Income & FX UK market turmoil points towards further volatility in globa... Understand recent market reaction to the UK budget proposal that had significant market impact on the Sterling and look into what are the implications...
31/08/2022 Economy & Markets How to overhaul Europe’s outdated budget rules Europe's fiscal rules are too simplistic and have lost credibility. They need to be revamped to reflect new country and economic conditions.
2/06/2022 Economy & Markets The myth of the fiscal free lunch: beware of the trap. An in... Understanding why the idea of the fiscal 'free lunch' is an illusion while global debt remains at record highs, and moving into a more fragmented world.
2/06/2022 Economy & Markets Shifts & Narratives #19 - The fiscal illusion: no free lunch... Understanding why the idea of the fiscal 'free lunch' is an illusion while global debt remains at record highs, and moving into a more fragmented world.