19/11/2024 Emerging Markets The rise of regional connectivity in Emerging Asia Emerging Asian economies are enjoying strong growth, driven by the dominance of their IT supply chain and supportive fiscal and monetary policies.
22/10/2024 Emerging Markets Emerging Markets charts and views: Gearing up ahead of US el... The global macroeconomic outlook is favourable for Emerging Markets assets, as global growth remains resilient and inflation nears target ranges.
10/10/2024 Economy & Markets Macroeconomic and financial market forecasts - October 2024 Discover comprehensive macroeconomic and financial market forecasts for September 2024, updated as of October.
30/09/2024 Geopolitics China policy: short-term lift or long-term change? China's Politburo announced a series of policy easing measures aimed at stabilising the economy and reviving sentiment which rallied Chinese equities
26/07/2024 Cross Asset Research Cross Asset Investment Strategy - July/August 2024 Find the latest edition of our monthly publication. Discover insights on Central Banks' policies, US yields, and global financial conditions impacting...
26/07/2024 Economy & Markets Macroeconomics, Geopolitics, and Strategy - July/August 2024 Detailed macroeconomic analysis of the evolution of the US, Chinese and Indian economies, with forecasts for interest rates, inflation and growth.
26/07/2024 Economy & Markets Macroeconomic and financial market forecasts - July/August 2... Stay ahead with accurate forecasts for macroeconomic trends and financial markets as of July 24, 2024. Get insights crucial for informed decision-making...
27/04/2023 Emerging Markets Emerging Markets Charts and Views - Springtime for Emerging ... Outlook for EM assets: opportunities and risks for EM-investors in 2023.
2/02/2023 Investment Views Global Investment Views - February 2023 The GIV document elaborates on the latest views, convictions and outlook of our Global CIOs, different Investment Platforms and Macro-Strategy teams.
27/10/2022 Emerging Markets Emerging Markets Charts and Views - EM investing after the g... Emerging Markets investing after the great repricing
7/02/2022 Emerging Markets Emerging Markets Charts and Views - Reasons for cautious opt... Emerging Markets Charts and Views - Reasons for cautious optimism in 2022
14/10/2021 Emerging Markets Emerging Markets Charts & Views - Why EM could be back in fo... EM ready for a comeback, but volatility will remain high
5/08/2019 Emerging Markets Emerging Markets Charts & Views - Finding a balance between ... The recent dovishness from the Fed, a benign inflation environment and the easing in global financial conditions continue to support a goldilocks environment...
5/03/2019 Emerging Markets Emerging Markets Charts & Views - Seek opportunities, but be... Emerging markets (EM) started 2019 on a strong footing and, as a result, some excessive valuation gaps have been partially closed. Yet, we continue to...