11/03/2025 Investment Views Tariffs and European news fuel volatility In this Investment Talks, we explore recent moves in financial markets and possible explanations, alongside our expectations and investment implications.
6/01/2023 Investment Insights ESG in motion: a dynamic forward-looking approach to detect ... ESG improvers investment approach - outlines the ESG improvers concept (main piece) and there is a three pager infographics piece
5/04/2022 Geopolitics US economy and markets look resilient regarding the Russia-U... Update on Ukranian crisis focusing on US economy and investment implications
25/03/2022 Geopolitics A more fragmented Emerging Markets world amid the Russia-Ukr... The economic impact stemming from the crisis will be uneven across countries, with some economies potentially benefitting from the commodity boost and...
7/05/2021 Equity SPACs: Beyond exuberance, back to reality SPACs (Special Purpose Acquisition Company) are companies created and listed on an exchange with the purpose of buying a growth company later.
14/11/2018 Economy & Markets What lies ahead for the US economy and markets? The robust performance of the US economy in 2018 has led to the supremacy of US risk assets compared to the rest of the world.
20/09/2018 Equity European Equity: Combining value and quality in this new mar... We believe we have entered a mature stage of the financial cycle amid central bank monetary policy normalisation (more advanced in the US) and decelerating...