5/03/2025 Fixed Income & FX Credit markets remain appealing for income-seeking investors In 2025, credit markets remain attractive for income-seeking investors, supported by resilient economic activity, solid corporate fundamentals, and favorable...
10/06/2024 Fixed Income & FX Bond investing when Central Banks are in motion The outlook for bond market, reassessing risks and opportunities in fixed income space.
2/12/2022 Fixed Income & FX European fixed income: the difficult equation if the energy ... Beyond the impact of domestic economic variables, euro rates are determined by the energy crisis and political monetary choices.
30/09/2022 Fixed Income & FX Global foreign exchange regime faces winds of change Dollar strength is causing strains, even in developed countries like Japan and Britain. Countries will have to intervene to fix misalignments in currency...
28/09/2022 Fixed Income & FX UK market turmoil points towards further volatility in globa... Understand recent market reaction to the UK budget proposal that had significant market impact on the Sterling and look into what are the implications...
28/09/2022 Fixed Income & FX Time to refocus on bonds - Rethinking portfolios after the g... Time to refocus on bonds - Rethinking portfolios after the great repricing
11/07/2022 Fixed Income & FX Renminbi’s rise will not challenge dollar dominance A sharp economic slowdown seems to be looming in both Europe and the US, which would make bond markets attractive again, especially in the US. Conversely,...
3/06/2022 Fixed Income & FX JPY: Structurally weak, cyclically blessed Structural headwinds are strong for the yen, setting a fundamental background for the currency to stay weak.
26/11/2021 Fixed Income & FX From recovery to resiliency: the promise of EM sustainable ... After an outbreak that initially affected developed countries and China, Covid-19 has become an emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs) pandemic.
2/04/2021 Fixed Income & FX Dollar: short-term bull, medium-term dull? As the global economy recovers from its worst economic slump since the 1930s, any investment decision will hinge critically on the evolution of the dollar....
22/04/2020 Fixed Income & FX Revisiting the global high yield outlook in the wake of the ... Global HY markets sold off aggressively between February and March in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, the oil price war and the liquidity freeze in...
5/03/2020 Fixed Income & FX Fixed Income: Zero rates do not mean zero returns As we enter the 2020s, a look back over the previous decade provides a key take-away for investors: a zero-rate environment does not lead to zero performance...
21/02/2020 Fixed Income & FX Global high yield outlook: Be confident, but not complacent Last year was a strong year for global bond markets, which were supported by the accommodative stance of the main central banks and strong investor demand....
16/12/2019 Fixed Income & FX Fixed income: Back to core – Charts and Views - Build a robu... The ongoing slowdown in global trade will weaken global GDP growth further in 2020 – especially in advanced economies skewed towards the manufacturing...
9/12/2019 Fixed Income & FX Screen the Euro fixed income market in the era of three 'low... As 2020 approaches, the uncertainty in the market has receded but there are still risks ahead involving macroeconomic, political and technical factors....