18/12/2024 Research Artificial intelligence for sustainable finance: why it may ... This paper helps to understand how useful AI can be in improving ESG data.
22/05/2024 Research Emerging Market Green Bonds - Report 2023 Find out more on the 2023 growth and outlook of the sustainable bond market in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs).
28/11/2023 Research Exploring perceptions of equal opportunity New study conducted by OECD with the support of Amundi reveals what matters more for the population in the fight for equal opportunity.
21/11/2023 Research Biodiversity: It’s Time to Protect Our Only Home - N°6 Chemi... This paper is the concluding section of a thematic paper series on biodiversity, resulting from the discussions we had during meetings dedicated to biodiversity...
7/09/2023 Research Emerging Market Green Bonds - Report 2022 This fifth edition of the ‘Emerging Market Green Bonds Report’ reviews key green, social, sustainability, and sustainability-linked (GSSS) bond market...
30/05/2023 Research Biodiversity: It’s Time to Protect Our Only Home - N°5 Manag... There is close interaction between biodiversity and insurers. The sector faces nature-related risks and plays a critical role in preserving biodiversity.
19/04/2023 Research Climate change and social inequality: how does climate chang... The research team at Amundi highlights that social inequality plays a critical part in determining an inclusive pathway towards decarbonisation.
29/03/2023 Research Biodiversity: It’s Time to Protect Our Only Home - N°4 Addre... The global food sector is often cited as one of the primary sectors driving biodiversity loss globally. While the sector heavily exacerbates biodiversity...
27/01/2023 Research Biodiversity : It’s Time to Protect Our Only Home - N°3 Addr... We classify utilities, mining & metals, and paper & forest products as sectors with primarily direct impacts as the majority of their operations happen...
19/01/2023 Research The Market Effect of Acute Biodiversity Risk: the Case of Br... The market effect of acute biodiversity risk: the case of Brazilian corporate bonds. This paper highlights a study examining the linkages between biodiversity...
7/12/2022 Research Biodiversity: It’s Time to Protect Our Only Home - N°2 Addre... In order to better integrate biodiversity considerations into portfolio construction, first there is a need to better understand how companies impact...
7/12/2022 Research Biodiversity: It’s Time to Protect Our Only Home - N°1 It's ... Biodiversity is all around us. We are only in the early stages of understanding how essential a healthy and biodiverse environment is to a stable and...
7/12/2022 Research Biodiversity: It’s Time to Protect Our Only Home There is a clear need for swift action to address biodiversity loss. The severity of the risks linked to biodiversity loss has not directly translated...
13/10/2022 Research Artificial Intelligence and ESG: How do they fit? To understand how useful AI is in improving ESG data.