10/05/2024 Real & Alternative Assets Real and alternative assets in focus in the strategic asset allocation Real and alternative assets can help enhance portfolio risk-adjusted returns. Investors could consider a building block dedicated to these assets.
25/07/2022 Portfolio Allocation Precautionary Liquidity and Retirement Saving There is a large debate on the optimal degree of savings’ liquidity in retirement systems.
11/03/2022 Geopolitics Russia-Ukraine: a lot of bad news already priced in, but th... We expect inflation to trend higher across emerging and developed markets and growth to be lower than initially expected, with higher risks for Europe...
7/03/2022 Geopolitics Russia-Ukraine: an uncertain outcome calls for higher focus ... There are multiple scenarios for the continuation of the crisis. What is certain is that volatility will persist and real interest rates will remain in...
9/12/2021 Asset Pricing & Behavioural Finance Liquidity Stress Testing in Asset Management - Part 4. A Ste... This article is part of a comprehensive research project on liquidity risk in asset management, which can be divided into three dimensions. The first...
6/10/2021 Asset Pricing & Behavioural Finance Liquidity Stress Testing in Asset Management - Part 3. Manag... This article is part of a comprehensive research project on liquidity risk in asset management, which can be divided into three dimensions.
18/05/2021 Asset Pricing & Behavioural Finance Liquidity Stress Testing in Asset Management - Part 2. Model... This article is part of a comprehensive research project on liquidity risk in asset management, which can be divided into three dimensions. The first...