3/01/2025 Retirement The Patchwork of Eurozone Pension Systems and Budget Constraints Tightening budget constraints, high debt levels, and ageing populations are exacerbating the need to build supplementary and funded pension plans.
1/12/2021 ESG Thema ESG Thema - Special COP26 - From Paris to Glasgow - Are we m... The Conference of the Parties (COP) was established with the adoption of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) at the Earth...
24/11/2021 Research Shifts & Narratives #12 - ESG is not a given, the battle for... ESG (environmental, social, and governance) investing has been making news headlines recently.
19/11/2021 Investment Insights Shifts & Narratives #11 - Green sentiment: what impact on st... As a large number of investors turn to green assets, this raises questions about investors’ impact on the economy, in particular through their influence...
17/11/2021 ESG Thema ESG Thema #5 - Carbon offsetting: How can it contribute to t... The sharp increase in net zero commitments from governments, corporates and financial institutions comes with a renewed interest in carbon offsetting...
20/10/2021 ESG Thema ESG Thema #4 - Investing in the Circular Economy: Closing th... Circular Economy, as an economic system of trade and production, aims to increase the efficiency of resource use and reduce environmental impact while...
15/10/2021 Geopolitics Shifts & Narratives #10 - China is finally emerging from the... Explore the shifting narratives surrounding China's emergence from the U.S. shadow, analyzing key factors influencing China's global presence and the...