15/09/2023 Economy & Markets Macroeconomics, Geopolitics, and Strategy - September 2023 End in sight: Bank of Japan to complete policy normalisation
27/04/2023 Emerging Markets Emerging Markets Charts and Views - Springtime for Emerging ... Outlook for EM assets: opportunities and risks for EM-investors in 2023.
3/04/2023 Economy & Markets Macroeconomics, Geopolitics, and Strategy - April 2023 Core inflation has been persistent across both the United States and the Eurozone, slightly reversing previous indications of a smoother path and a faster...
3/02/2022 Economy & Markets Keeping up with our Investment Outlook for 2022 2022 will be the “year of reckoning” for DM economies when they will test the effectiveness of the policies deployed since the peak of the pandemic phase...
8/02/2021 Emerging Markets EM Investment Opportunities for 2021 Global investors are currently dealing with two key challenges: find decent yield for their fixed income portfolios in a world of ultra-low or negative...
5/08/2019 Emerging Markets Emerging Markets Charts & Views - Finding a balance between ... The recent dovishness from the Fed, a benign inflation environment and the easing in global financial conditions continue to support a goldilocks environment...
5/03/2019 Emerging Markets Emerging Markets Charts & Views - Seek opportunities, but be... Emerging markets (EM) started 2019 on a strong footing and, as a result, some excessive valuation gaps have been partially closed. Yet, we continue to...
12/02/2018 Emerging Markets Emerging Markets: How to unlock the next wave of returns After years of buoyant market conditions that have driven strong market performance across the board, investors are questioning for how long this “Goldilocks”...