20/01/2025 Emerging Markets Focus on China This report analyzes China's economic outlook for 2025, focusing on the effects of monetary easing and fiscal policies amid structural challenges and...
30/09/2024 Geopolitics China policy: short-term lift or long-term change? China's Politburo announced a series of policy easing measures aimed at stabilising the economy and reviving sentiment which rallied Chinese equities
11/07/2024 Emerging Markets EM winners in a fragmented world Emerging Markets, particularly India, are playing a crucial role in driving the global economic recovery in 2024 due to their resilience.
6/06/2024 Emerging Markets India's election outcome and its economic implications The Talks outlines the outcome of the Indian elections and its implications on the policy front, as well as investment consequences and opportunities.
22/01/2024 Economy & Markets China’s pivot: steering through turbulence to sustainability The shift toward a more sustainable growth model presents long-term opportunities in Chinese assets, but it also calls for increased selectivity in the...
25/03/2022 Geopolitics A more fragmented Emerging Markets world amid the Russia-Ukr... The economic impact stemming from the crisis will be uneven across countries, with some economies potentially benefitting from the commodity boost and...