6/03/2025 Investment Insights Using Factor investing to integrate sustainability objectives into a “3D” portfolio Explore how we integrate climate and sustainability considerations into a systematic equity investment process.
26/02/2021 Portfolio Allocation Understanding the Performance of the Equity Value Factor After decades of sound performance, doubts have been cast on the ability of the equity value strategy to keep delivering in the aftermath of the 2008...
23/07/2018 Retirement Pension Funds Letter 5 - Building the long-term alignment Building the long-term alignment
9/11/2017 Portfolio Allocation Analysing the Exposure of Low-volatility Equity Strategies t... At the dawn of a potential rise in rates triggered by Central Banks in both Europe and the United States, doubts are being raised about the ability of...
1/01/2017 Retirement Pension Funds Letter 1 We cannot say it is “breaking news”, nor a “tipping point”, but the obvious should still be stated: Pension funds are facing an everlasting challenging...