25/11/2024 ESG Thema ESG Thema - Lessons learned from COP16 and COP29 for Sustain... Climate and biodiversity: explore the main outcomes of this year's COP16 & COP29 and uncover investment opportunities in nature-based solutions
13/12/2023 ESG Thema ESG Thema – Special COP28: Main outcomes and implications fo... Great attention was given to COP28 due to the significant acceleration we observe in private sector mobilization, underpinned by the recent technological...
21/04/2023 ESG Thema ESG Thema #12 - Responsible Investing in Asia: Outlook 2023 As ESG regulations and investors’ demand increases across Asia, asset owners and asset managers should pay attention to fast growth of responsible investing...
22/11/2022 ESG Thema ESG Thema – Special COP27 – Not a lost COP after all Only 0.1°C, but a symbolic victory on compensation and momentum in financial system overhaul.
14/11/2022 ESG Thema ESG Thema #11 - EU Sustainable Finance Action Plan: State of... Mobilize capital to fast track the transition to a more equitable, carbon neutral, economy has never been so acute, and the EU Sustainable Finance Action...
1/12/2021 ESG Thema ESG Thema - Special COP26 - From Paris to Glasgow - Are we m... The Conference of the Parties (COP) was established with the adoption of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) at the Earth...
22/09/2021 ESG Thema ESG Thema #3 - How can investors contribute to Net Zero effo... While carbon emissions have been increasing slowly despite efforts to bring them down, “net zero” commitments, however, have skyrocketed.