14/01/2015 Asset Pricing & Behavioural Finance Option Pricing under Skewness and Kurtosis using a Cornish F... This paper revisits the pricing of options, in a context of financial stress, when the underlying asset’s returns displays skewness and excess kurtosis.
16/12/2014 Asset Pricing & Behavioural Finance Modelling Tail Risk in a Continuous Space Non normal distributions are a fact of life. In the financial world, many distributions display tail risk, i.e. (negative) skewness and excess kurtosis.
1/12/2014 Portfolio Allocation Portfolio Capital Flows: A Simple Coincident Indicator for E... The scarcity of up-to-date data is a meaningful constraint in the analysis of capital flows, especially for Emerging Markets.
3/11/2014 Portfolio Allocation The art of tracking corporate bond portfolios The corporate bond indices, built by market index providers to serve as investment benchmarks, contain a great many securities, and are for that reason...
21/10/2014 Sustainable Finance Do Social Responsibility Screens Really Matter? A Comparison... On average, socially responsible (SR) funds have showed statistically similar performances to traditional funds. Does this mean SR screens make a negligible...
28/11/2013 Portfolio Allocation Optimal Asset Allocation for Sovereign Wealth Funds: Theory ... This paper addresses management of sovereign wealth from the perspective of the theory of contingent claims.
15/08/2013 Asset Pricing & Behavioural Finance A Tale of Two Eurozones: Banks's Funding, Sovereign Risk & U... The admission by the Greek government on October 18, 2009, of large-scale accounting fraud in its national accounts sparked an unprecedented sovereign...
15/06/2013 Portfolio Allocation Sovereign Wealth and Risk Management - A New Framework for O... This paper sets out a new analytical framework for optimal asset allocation of sovereign wealth, based on the theory of contingent claims analysis applied...
14/06/2013 Asset Pricing & Behavioural Finance Cross-Hedging of Inflation Derivatives on Commodities: The I... According to the macro-econometric literature, the impact of exogenous oil price shocks on Inflation have greatly increased in the last two decades throughout...
15/04/2013 Asset Pricing & Behavioural Finance Fundamental indexation for bond markets The standard indices available for the bond investment markets, are composed of securities that are weighed by the size of the outstanding debt, and are...