1/09/2022 Portfolio Strategy Advanced Investment Phazer: a guide to dynamic asset allocat... Economic cycles have been a crucial driver for financial markets, making regime-based dynamic asset allocation (DAA) a common practice in supporting optimal...
1/07/2022 Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Credit Factor Investing with Machine Learning techniques The most common models to assess asset returns are a linear combination of risk factors.
7/04/2022 Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Monitoring Narratives: an Application to the Equity Market In this research, we show that variables from the Global Database of Events, Language and Tone (GDELT) convey significant informational content that can...
1/04/2022 Geopolitics When artificial intelligence meets economy: an analysis of t... Understanding how artificial intelligence could help analyse the current state of the international situation in order to provide some projections on...
1/03/2022 Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Augmenting Investment Decisions with Robo-Advice We study the introduction of robo-advising on a large representative sample of Employee Saving Plans.
9/06/2021 Economy & Markets Shifts & Narratives #6 - Technology trends in Asset Manageme... These are days to be optimistic if you are an Asset Manager. And this is not just because the industry has been doing well and the fundamentals remain...
25/05/2021 Research Artificial Intelligence Solutions to Support Environmental, ... "Assessing the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) quality of an issuer is key for investment decisions, not only to take into account the sustainable...
26/04/2021 Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Robo-Advising: Less AI and More XAI? We start by considering some of the key reasons behind the academic and industry interest in robo-advisors. We discuss how robo-advice could potentially...
24/03/2021 Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Bond Index Tracking with Genetic Algorithms Bond portfolio optimization is very different from equity portfolio optimization. Indeed, while continuous optimization is efficient when managing a portfolio...
7/07/2020 Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Improving the Robustness of Trading Strategy Backtesting wit... In this article, we explore generative models in order to build a market generator. The underlying idea is to simulate artificial multi-dimensional financial...
2/10/2019 Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Optimization Algorithms & Portfolio Allocat... Portfolio optimization emerged with the seminal paper of Markowitz (1952). The original mean-variance framework is appealing because it is very efficient...
11/03/2019 Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Financial Applications of Gaussian Processes and Bayesian Op... In the last five years, the financial industry has been impacted by the emergence of digitalization and machine learning. In this article, we explore...
27/09/2018 Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Robust Asset Allocation for Robo-Advisors Robust Asset Allocation for Robo-Advisors
1/06/2017 Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Parameter Learning, Sequential Model Selection, and Bond Ret... Parameter Learning, Sequential Model Selection, and Bond Return Predictability