19/06/2023 Economy & Markets 2020s vs 1970s: echoes, not a replay Despite many similarities between the inflationary period in the 1970s and in the 2020s, the two scenarios are not identical.
24/03/2022 Hubert Védrine speaks about the Ukraine conflict: Focus Euro... Amundi Institute chairman, Pascal Blanqué, interviews Hubert Védrine, former French Minister of Foreign Affairs, on his views on the ongoing situation...
7/06/2021 Research Inequality: what is at stake (1/4) - Globalisation, growth, ... With the misdeeds of globalisation, the rise in inequalities and the resulting perception of injustice have been subjects that have fuelled many debates...
19/05/2021 Economy & Markets Reindustrialisation, interventionism, sovereignty, de-global... With the third industrial revolution and the Covid-19 crisis, the world has entered into a period of global transformations. The current industrial revolution...
13/05/2020 Portfolio Allocation Did Globalization Kill Contagion? Does financial globalization lead to contagion? We scrutinize linkages between international stock markets in a long historical perspective (1880-2014)....
15/03/2012 Portfolio Allocation No contagion, only globalisation and flight to quality In this article, tests for globalization and contagion are separated using an ex ante definition of crises, and contagion tests are neutralized with respect...