4/07/2024 Asset Pricing & Behavioural Finance Human-Robot Interactions in Investment Decisions This paper highlights the impact of human-robot interactions on investors' behaviour and risk-adjusted returns.
9/06/2021 Economy & Markets Shifts & Narratives #6 - Technology trends in Asset Manageme... These are days to be optimistic if you are an Asset Manager. And this is not just because the industry has been doing well and the fundamentals remain...
27/01/2020 Economy & Markets Fiat Money vs. Cryptocurrencies / Private vs. Public digital... The first part of this study analysed the competition between USD, RMB and EURO and presented the challenges for China and Europe to develop a genuine...
27/01/2020 Economy & Markets FX wars vs. currency wars / USD vs. EUR vs. RMB vs. ? FX wars vs. currency pars / USD vs. EUR vs. RMB vs. ?
27/09/2018 Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Robust Asset Allocation for Robo-Advisors Robust Asset Allocation for Robo-Advisors
21/12/2017 Portfolio Strategy Megatrends and disruptions Consequences for Asset Management The asset management industry has to face three different types of challenges.