3/01/2023 Emerging Markets China: back to pragmatism In one month, China dropped most of its Covid-related restrictions, vowed to support the housing market more, and set pro-growth policies.
1/09/2020 Investment Insights Looking for hidden ESG gems: a new frontier for responsible ... The ongoing Covid-19 crisis and the resulting market turmoil have confirmed a pre-existing trend within equity investing: the increasing relevance of...
10/08/2020 Capital Market Assumptions Asset Class Returns Forecasts - Q3 - 2020 All signs indicate we have passed the inflection point of the Covid-19 pandemic crisis, even if this signals a clearer picture moving forward, different...
23/07/2020 Emerging Markets The New Silk Road routes: Why investors should care The global outbreak of Covid-19 has brought the world and its economy to a standstill, highlighting the importance of sustainable and resilient infrastructure...
10/07/2020 Equity Time to play a cyclical recovery in European equity Cyclical conditions are turning more positive for Europe.
30/06/2020 Retirement Pension Funds Letter 9 - The Covid-19 crisis: two sides of t... From a long-term investment perspective, the unprecedented global crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic brings along both challenges and opportunities,...
26/06/2020 Global Outlook H2 2020 Investment Outlook - Investing during a de-freezing ... The Covid-19 crisis drove the global economy into an unprecedented deep freeze in the first half of 2020.