29/11/2023 Retirement The next stage of ESG evolution in the pension landscape A juggernaut that’s losing momentum or just refiring its engine? This question on ESG investing has come to the fore due to a confluence of exceptional...
7/06/2021 Research Inequality: what is at stake (2/4) - Pro-Piketty and Anti-Pi... No one is disputing that Piketty’s books are ground-breaking, that his research and his team’s research are fundamental, or that their databases and reports...
7/06/2021 Research Inequality: what is at stake (1/4) - Globalisation, growth, ... With the misdeeds of globalisation, the rise in inequalities and the resulting perception of injustice have been subjects that have fuelled many debates...
19/05/2021 Economy & Markets Reindustrialisation, interventionism, sovereignty, de-global... With the third industrial revolution and the Covid-19 crisis, the world has entered into a period of global transformations. The current industrial revolution...
18/11/2020 Investment Insights Factor Investing and ESG in the Corporate Bond Market Before... The objective of this paper is to illustrate the factor investing space in corporate bonds before and during the COVID-19 crisis and is the natural extension...
16/11/2020 Geopolitics Europe, US and China tomorrow: Will it be possible to avoid ... There are many pitfalls looming.
27/01/2020 Economy & Markets Fiat Money vs. Cryptocurrencies / Private vs. Public digital... The first part of this study analysed the competition between USD, RMB and EURO and presented the challenges for China and Europe to develop a genuine...