3/01/2025 Retirement The Patchwork of Eurozone Pension Systems and Budget Constraints Tightening budget constraints, high debt levels, and ageing populations are exacerbating the need to build supplementary and funded pension plans.
25/05/2021 Research Artificial Intelligence Solutions to Support Environmental, ... "Assessing the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) quality of an issuer is key for investment decisions, not only to take into account the sustainable...
19/05/2021 Research Shifts & Narratives #3 - The ‘make it or break it moment’: w... The COP26 in Glasgow has been hailed as a turning point in the global fight regarding climate change amid a new US administration and a long and strenuous...
26/04/2021 Economy & Markets Shifts & Narratives #2 - Inflation: something deep awakens One year ago, as the Covid-19 crisis had just begun, we wrote about its potential inflation implications from both a cyclical and a structural standpoint....
9/04/2021 Portfolio Strategy Shifts & Narratives #1 - Do not give up on fundamental valua... Today, most investors are at a loss regarding what to think of the notion of value and valuations and, even most importantly, how to use it in portfolio...