3/01/2025 Retirement The Patchwork of Eurozone Pension Systems and Budget Constraints Tightening budget constraints, high debt levels, and ageing populations are exacerbating the need to build supplementary and funded pension plans.
9/06/2022 Economy & Markets Shifts & Narratives #20 - Stagflation and its roots in capit... Understanding how the misallocation of capital in the last macro-financial regime laid the foundations for the prospect of stagflation today.
2/06/2022 Economy & Markets Shifts & Narratives #19 - The fiscal illusion: no free lunch... Understanding why the idea of the fiscal 'free lunch' is an illusion while global debt remains at record highs, and moving into a more fragmented world.
2/06/2022 Portfolio Strategy Shifts & Narratives #18 - The power of narratives for invest... Our analysis suggests that narratives complement traditional macro variables when it comes to explaining financial market behaviour.
9/05/2022 Investment Insights Shifts & Narratives #17 - Keeping up with climate change in ... Dealing with the changes driven by the energy transition requires a complete rethinking of asset class returns forecasting and brings major implications...
26/04/2022 ESG Thema ESG Thema #9 - Engaging on Human rights: Identifying risks a... This paper is the first of our ESG Thema series on social issues.
6/04/2022 Geopolitics Shifts & Narratives #16 - Investing in a fragmented world In this piece we address the impact of de-globalization on investors, and in particular the road back to the benefits of international diversification.