6/12/2024 Investment Views Global Investment Views - December 2024 The GIV elaborates on the latest views, convictions and outlook of our Global CIOs, different Investment Platforms and the Amundi Institute.
5/04/2022 Economy & Markets Credit markets: more attractive valuations but we remain cau... Valuations are now a little more attractive. However, the environment remains challenging, particularly in Europe.
5/03/2020 Fixed Income & FX Fixed Income: Zero rates do not mean zero returns As we enter the 2020s, a look back over the previous decade provides a key take-away for investors: a zero-rate environment does not lead to zero performance...
29/01/2019 Emerging Markets Time to increase risk exposure: start with emerging markets ... The excess of pessimism at the end of 2018 resulted in a sharp decline in financial markets and renewed volatility.
12/12/2017 Fixed Income & FX Credit Continuum: How to make it happen We have been living for the past few years under an unprecedented regime of unconventional monetary policies. Abundant liquidity poured into developed...
1/11/2017 Retirement Pension Funds Letter 3 - Shifting approaches from yield spec... Shifting approaches from yield spectrum to credit continuum