3/01/2025 Retirement The Patchwork of Eurozone Pension Systems and Budget Constraints Tightening budget constraints, high debt levels, and ageing populations are exacerbating the need to build supplementary and funded pension plans.
19/01/2023 Research The Market Effect of Acute Biodiversity Risk: the Case of Br... The market effect of acute biodiversity risk: the case of Brazilian corporate bonds. This paper highlights a study examining the linkages between biodiversity...
13/01/2023 Portfolio Strategy What Artificial Intelligence reveals about share price react... What AI reveals about stock prices?- this piece outlines research by Amundi on the usefulness of using AI in stock analysis and valuation.
6/01/2023 Investment Insights ESG in motion: a dynamic forward-looking approach to detect ... ESG improvers investment approach - outlines the ESG improvers concept (main piece) and there is a three pager infographics piece
22/12/2022 ESG Thema ESG Thema – Special COP15 – The Paris moment for biodiversit... From December 7th to 19th, 2022, the second part of the COP15 was held in Montreal, Canada with the adoption of a historical agreement to halt biodiversity...
7/12/2022 Research Biodiversity: It’s Time to Protect Our Only Home - N°2 Addre... In order to better integrate biodiversity considerations into portfolio construction, first there is a need to better understand how companies impact...
7/12/2022 Research Biodiversity: It’s Time to Protect Our Only Home - N°1 It's ... Biodiversity is all around us. We are only in the early stages of understanding how essential a healthy and biodiverse environment is to a stable and...