Advances in artificial intelligence have unleashed a new wave of technological revolution, one that promises a torrent of disruption across both financial markets and our daily lives. The speed of transformation has sparked widespread concern, not least about the impact it could have on jobs across a whole range of sectors.

As demand surges and generative AI is said to reach the “tipping point” of mainstream adoption, Swaha Pattanaik sits down with Annalisa Usardi, Senior Economist at Amundi Investment Institute, and Bastian Drut, Head of Thematic Macro Strategy at CPR Asset Management, to discuss the transformative impact of the technology and its implications for economies in the short and longer term. They take a closer look at the impact AI might have on productivity, growth and the labour markets, when and where this will most be felt, and how AI might ultimately be a positive development for addressing demographic challenges.

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RC - Swaha Pattanaik
Head of Publishing and Digital Strategy, Amundi Investment Institute
RC - Author - USARDI Annalisa
Senior Economist, Head of Advanced Economy Modelling, Amundi Investment Institute
Bastien DRUT
Head of Thematic Macro Strategy, CPR Asset Management