29/11/2024 Sustainable Finance Responsible Investment in Private Equity This article explores how responsible investing (RI) is shaping private equity (PE) practices, emphasizing governance and the industry's role in addressing...
1/03/2022 Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Augmenting Investment Decisions with Robo-Advice We study the introduction of robo-advising on a large representative sample of Employee Saving Plans.
25/02/2022 Sustainable Finance The Recent Performance of ESG Investing, the Covid-19 Cataly... The purpose of this paper is to appraise recent ESG trends in global equity markets. It contributes to a broader research project started at Amundi in...
25/02/2022 Sustainable Finance Cascading Effects of Carbon Price through the Value Chain: I... To avoid the worst climate change scenario, Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions should be reduced drastically during the next decades.
15/02/2022 Sustainable Finance Net Zero Carbon Metrics This research project is both an update of the analysis on carbon emissions trajectories proposed by Le Guenedal et al. (2020) and a companion study of...
11/02/2022 Sustainable Finance Equity Convexity and Unconventional Monetary Policy In this paper, we intend to gain an understanding of the drivers of stock convexity, also known as gamma.
27/01/2022 Asset Pricing & Behavioural Finance Choice Overload participation and asset Allocation in French... This paper employs administrative data from one of the largest plan providers in France to investigate the role of plan and default characteristics in...